why a seed swap ?

The reason we have a seed swap at our event is...

-to promote the conservation of biodiversity;
increasing it in the garden and on into the local food chain.
-Saving our  heritage crops from extinction
-increasing local food security by involving more people in growing their own food
-connecting up with the local community food projects and allotments.

Like seeds, this seed swap will start small, it will repeat throughout the year and on successive years, the more people know it will be happening the more it will grow. Everyone is encouraged to share some of the seeds that they themselves have collected from crops that they like to grow .
The seed swap not only encourages the spread of diverse and useful plants but inspires discussion about them, it is a way of bringing small holders, gardeners, seed savers, allotment holders, farmers, horticulturalists, permaculturists and those wanting to learn more together, it leads to greater food diversity and security in the local area.

Please get involved.

1 comment:

  1. This is completely what I am into, very glad it's happening in this area, I will be there , hope to meet you there.


If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please post in the comments.